Do you need help to replace lost car key? Can we provide you with a new key? If you call us, we will be on the way shortly and can make another key for you on location with cheap locksmith prices.
If you need assistance, our locksmiths are the most skilled in town and can cut another key for you shortly.
Mckinney Zip codes served include the following: 75069, 75070, 75071, 75069, 75070, 75071.
Brand of cars we do are: Mitsubishi, Chevrolet, Hyundai, Honda, Jeep, Dodge, Buick, Kia, Nissan, Subaru, Lexus, Mazda, Ford, Toyota.
Transponder Chip Keys

If your transponder chip keys aren’t working properly and you need to have them repaired, our technicians will be able to get them working well again. All you have to do is call and we will be there momentarily.
Car Key Ignition

Do you need car key ignition service at any time? Call us if you are stranded and can’t turn on your vehicle. We will repair your ignition and if needed make another key for you. If you need help, call us instead of getting stranded.
Key Fob Programming

If your remote isn’t working and you need key fob programming, our experienced and technically advanced locksmiths will be able to program another remote for you. We have several great remotes in stock that we can easily program for you.
Emergency Trunk Openings

Did you put perishable groceries in the trunk and now can’t open it? If you are concerned about them going bad, we can provide you with Emergency Trunk Openings quickly and efficiently. We do this job all the time for similar clients and can get yours opened fast.